Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He rolled over!

Yay for Blake!

I was at my parent's house today picking up Avery (My mom was nice enough to pick her up from school today so I could do a little uninterrupted shopping!) and I commented on the fact that Blake had yet to roll over. Ever the comparing mother (I try not to, but it's hard!), I mentioned that Avery rolled over at 15 weeks and Blake will be 5 months on Thursday! So, my mom put him on his tummy so we could "practice" and lo and behold the little booger rolled right over! But only once. After that we had to help him, and he just got mad. :o) But, he did do it, and I am so proud!

Next thing you know he will be getting teeth ( Avery didn't get her first tooth until she was 9 months - oh there I go again, comparing!) He chews on EVERYTHING and bites really hard on anything he can find. I fear for myself!

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