Sunday, December 21, 2008

Avery's New 'Do

Yesterday I took Avery to get a haircut with me. She still has wispy baby hair on the ends that is pretty fine and it is all different lengths. So... we took the plunge and cut it all off! She was a very good girl and held still while Lanette cut about 4 inches off. Now she has a bob cut kinda like Mommy's!

Sadly, when she went to Auburn with Daddy that afternoon she realized that we could no longer put ponytails in her hair. That was a little distressing! I can still put a small pony on top of her head, and that seems to pacify her for now. For me, life is a little easier now, as I won't have to do her hair every morning!

She is growing up more and more everyday, and this new 'do sure makes her look a lot older! As Christmas is drawing nearer, she is getting excited about the presents. Every morning she asks, "Is Christmas over yet?" I guess she thinks it has to be over in order to open all of the gifts! Last night we had dinner with our friends Bill and Tammie and their son Colton. We did our gift exchange after dinner and poor Avery thought Christmas had finally come! She opened her gift from them first and then wanted to keep going! Before I knew it she had opened Tammies gift too, and was headed for another one under the tree! I had to explain to her that we weren't going to be able to see Bill and Tammie on Christmas, so we were doing just these gifts tonight. Thankfully, she understood and was content to play with the gift she received. Silly girl! She loves to do her "Count Down to Christmas" calendar every morning that Grammy and PaPa sent her. Now that we are below 10 days, she can tell that it's getting closer!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I love miss Avery's hair do. You look like a grown up big sister. Did Santa bring you something special for being such a good girl this year? Oh my, it is almost "next year". I miss you so much. And I love you and your family. See you soon. Laurie