Friday, December 12, 2008

Great Big Beans and other words to remember, and one to forget!

Anyone who knows Avery, knows how verbal she is. She will talk and talk, all day long. Some of her words just crack me up! Green beans are called great big beans andI have to laugh when she asks for more great big beans at dinner. Until last week peanut M&M's were called "renos". Don't ask me where she got that name, but that is what they have been for at least the past year. Sadly, last week she informed me that they are, in fact, just called peanut M&M's.

Unfortunately, some words that have been picked up at school recently have not been so wonderful and funny. In retrospect, I have to laugh at the events of last week, though at the time I was not very happy. On the way home from school on Monday Avery informed me that a certain boy at school says the f-word. Now Avery did not say "f-word", no, she was kind enough to tell me just what that word was. In fact it was, "f-word-ed up" to be exact. At first I thought I had heard her wrong. My 2 year saying the absolutely WORST word in the english language? Surely she said 'fruitcup", right? No, mommy, let me repeat it for you again! So I explained that that is not a nice word, and it is not a word we use in our house. Well, since that got my attention, Avery decided that she should say it over and over and OVER again. ALL the way home. I wasn't sure how to proceed with this one. Do I punish her, or just ignore her, hoping that the lack of attention will make it less novel to say? I decided on the latter, and simply told her I won't listen to her say that word anymore and I walked away. After a few more repititions of that lovely word, she grew bored and hasn't said it since. (Thank goodness!)

The next day at school Jeff talked to the teachers about it and they let him know that they had heard the boy say it (and he knew how to use it) and Avery was standing right there when he got in trouble for it. They apologized profusely for her bringing it home. So, we got to be parents and teach Avery why we don't say certain words.

The ironic part in all of this was the next night when my sailor mouthed daughter had me pray at least 10 times during dinner. She must have known she needed forgiveness!

So, some words that come out are sweet and funny. Others, well, they just remind me of what my role is as a parent! I still can't believe my sweet little 2 year said that word, but I am hoping that that is the last time I will hear it from her!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I am dying laughing...dying. This is a priceless story she will love when she is older. You didn't tell me you had a blog! Welcome. I love it :)