Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Lip

I had to share this picture of Blake. He has this wonderful knack of jutting out his bottom lip just before he screams. This has been the case ever since the minute he was born. When he was only half way out the Dr suctioned his mouth and nose and we waited for his first cry. The cord had been wrapped around his neck and I remember it seemed an eternity before we heard it. I kept saying, "Cry, baby. Cry!". And then, he jutted out his bottom lip as far as he could and let out a scream. We laughed so hard - my mom and Tammie could hear us through the wall! And so, everytime I see the lip come out, I have to laugh and remember how quickly you can go from feeling the worst pain ever, to absolute elation at the sound of a newborn child. I hope he never out grows this habit.

OK - maybe he should out grow it at some point, or he may never marry!

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