Sunday, February 22, 2009

How do you mess up a haircut???

I'll tell you how. Take a 2 - almost 3 year old with you.

So I made an appointment for both Avery and I to get our haircut on Tuesday afternoon. We have done this before, so I thought nothing of it. Well, never again! She was such a bear, that she barely got a trim, but thankfully she held still long enough to get her bangs cut. Then, when it was my turn, she whined and made such a fuss that my hairdresser and I were so distracted by trying to distract her, that she failed to cut the left half of my head! She pulled the cape off of me and was going to dry my hair, but I told her not to worry - it was raining anyway and we were just going home - and I had had it with the whining. So, I got home and went to dry my hair and realized that the left side was almost an inch longer than the right! And, since my hair is just above my shoulders, it was a little noticable!

I had to wait until Friday to get it fixed and as I was leaving Avery asked, "Can I go with you mommy?" Ummm, no.

Lesson learned. No more double appointments!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Will we get to see a picture of that :) I love hearong about you all on the blog, but I miss actually seeing you. Any Texas trips in the future?